The past 18 months have presented businesses with a number of significant challenges. Not only have enterprises had to navigate a global pandemic, but a remote workforce, staff shortages and economic uncertainties have plagued a number of sectors. Yet, what many organisations were able to do was adopt new processes and innovative technologies that enabled them to power through the past year and a half.
As a result, overall investment in technology has steadily risen with many turning to the cloud to streamline operations. However, when global workforces moved to a remote working environment, the conversation quickly turned to security and how businesses were addressing these concerns with many employees using their personal devices for work-related tasks.
Emerging into a post-Covid era, security remains a priority for many organisations. Data breaches and losses have always had an exponential impact on businesses but within the past year cybercrime has increased, leaving many at risk of being targeted. With staff working through their home networks, hacks and phishing attacks have grown in popularity as a result of businesses becoming more vulnerable in the changing climate.
However, by migrating to a cloud infrastructure, businesses have been ensuring their critical data is safeguarded by the most up to date security measures.
Secure accessibility
If the pandemic has taught businesses one thing, it is that safely accessing data is highly important. Remote working has become a necessity for many employees, and employers alike, in order to maintain company functionality. In the last 18 months, a major concern for businesses was ensuring secure servers within the homes of employees. It became increasingly apparent that many people lack internet security in their homes, so to mitigate this, companies have turned to cloud solutions and found this the best mediator for protecting private company information and transactions.
Having cloud solutions ensure that certain security protocols are in place, utilising encryptions so third parties cannot eavesdrop on data. With 77% of businesses saying that cyber security is high on their priority lists, there is no doubt that more and more companies are turning towards the cloud. Businesses can function with more ease, knowing that cloud firewalls are providing an extra barrier against DDoS.
Accessing work servers from home also suggests another concern: what happens if the server crashes? Thankfully, the cloud provides an opportunity to backup and restore your data without worrying about drive space on the home device not holding substantial capacity. This allows the workforce to function comfortably away from the office without the fear of losing important data.
Level up your security
The cloud provides companies a secure ecosystem that allows for more stress-free work environments. Yet, some establishments still fear the cost of such data protection rather than focusing on the potential repercussions of being unprotected. In truth, cloud services are highly cost effective, and many services are free. Most cloud service providers send security updates that provide tools to guarantee the network is continually increasing security and at no additional costs. However, even cloud providers that require a fee do not compare to the potential loss of funds that hacking can ensue.
39% of companies in the UK went under cyber-attack in the first quarter of 2021, knocking out many of their systems for hours at a time. Attackers also infected the organisation’s systems for days and even weeks on end with ransomware. It is estimated that cyber-attacks can cost upwards of £2.9 million.
Evidence shows how cost-effective investing in cloud solutions are, in addition to providing 24/7 monitoring, leaving no room for such attacks.
Secure and flexible
One major benefit to cloud computing is that it allows for accessing information anytime, anywhere, without fear of breach. While the remote workforce continues to grow, so does the accessibility and productivity of global businesses.
Prevention is certainly better than cure, and carefully navigating the post-pandemic terrain is a mission that businesses are trying tirelessly to conquer. Through undertaking cyber security risk assessments, and using mock phishing exercises to test staff, companies globally have realised that investment in technology is a must, even while trying to keep costs low.
In an era where society is becoming increasingly more reliant on computer networks and social media, investing specifically in cloud technology greatly increases the chance of success, while reducing the threat of online attacks. Making use of the built in security features that cloud technology provides, is a reliable and secure way of conducting business in this ever growing global marketplace,