- Tribe Impact Capital aligns all its investments for its clients with the UN SDGs using its unique ImpactDNATM process
- 69% of all clients consider Climate Action as a top priority, closely followed by Quality Education with 68% of investors highlighting it as a main priority
- Zero Hunger (50%), No Poverty (47%) and Clean and Affordable Energy (43%) complete the top five
Tribe Impact Capital (Tribe), the UK’s first dedicated Impact Wealth Manager has revealed Climate Action and Quality Education as the two most popular UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) amongst its clients.
Tribe has been monitoring the most popular SDGs when constructing tailored client portfolios over the last four and a half years. It has found that 69% of clients rate Climate Action as a top priority when investing, closely followed by Quality Education (68%). In addition, 40% of all Tribe’s clients include both these SDGs in their top investment focusses.
Tribe’s unique ImpactDNATM process enables clients to build purposeful portfolios which align to their values and are expressed through the SDG framework. Investors rank the SDG’s in order of personal resonance, choosing the goals that represent the change they most want to see in the world. The process creates a lead group of goals specific to each client. As part of this process no goals are discounted and a clear vision of change is created with a personal hierarchy established across all 17 goals.
Tribe noted that the other top three SDGs among investors were those which created multiple pathways to support other goals. These were Zero Hunger (chosen by 51% of clients), No Poverty (a favoured goal for 47%) and Clean and Affordable Energy, with 43% of clients choosing this in their lead SDGs. All three support “systems thinking” which enable pathways to support other goals.
Amy Clarke, Chief Impact Officer at Tribe Impact Capital said: “At Tribe, we help our clients invest their capital not only for financial return but in a way that is also aligned to their values and the change they want to see in the world.
Whilst the intersectionality and interdependency between many of the SDGs is apparent, over the last four years, Climate Action and Quality Education have been clear priorities for our clients, demonstrating the relationship between the two. It is rewarding, for both us and our clients to know that their investments are delivering positive impact, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.”